Tuesday, February 10, 2015

1.30.15 Make A Plan

WOD (L2):

75 Pull-ups
150 sit-ups
75 STO 65#
150 goblet squats16kg
75 box jumps 20 in box

Time: 28:20
I didn't have a very good plan. I broke it up into 5 rounds, but I should have done 15 rds. I think I would have been able to get through it faster. 

Extra Work:

20 min Z1 run/bike/row

1.29.15 Jumping & Deadlifts

Deadlift 6-6-6-6 @75-78% rest 2 minutes between each set

WOD (L2):

10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 DU
1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift 335/215

Time:  6:34 @205# I can't count and did it with the wrong weight the first time. I waited 10 mins then redid it RX

Time: 7:33

Extra Work:

300m row
rest 2 minutes

1.28.15 Farmer Carry & Double KB Swings

2 Rds max distance Farmer Carry @85#
#1 55 ft
#2 65ft

Farmer Carry 50ft @85#
1 min High Plank
15 Double KB Swings 16kg

1.27.15 Front Squat and Thruster Tester

Front Squat 4×4 @ 165#

Max consecutive thrusters @ 115/80 lbs
at 4:00 repeat
at 8:00 repeat


Total reps: 45

3 rds
20 ghd sit-ups
30’ hs walk

North Gym, forgot to take a photo

1.26.15 Power Cleans, Burpees and Pull-ups

10 Min AMRAP

30 power cleans 135/95
30 power cleans 195/ 135
AMRAP 255/175

53 reps

Burpees to a 6’ target
CTB Pull-ups

Time 9:50